Time Scores
2017 – 2018 
Practice-based research

Time-Scores is an experimental field project based on marking a sense of duration in a given time and place. The project began in Finnmarksvidda, Norway, where I observed a transition period from polar night to a first sunrise and subsequent lengthening of the days. It developed into a series of drawings that were created as a process of attention towards the phenomenological sense of time. 

Practice-based research

I walked daily to the same spot out in the tundra trying to stay there for at least few hours at a time.  

While on-site, I made ink drawings on rolled and folded sheets of paper, attempting to capture the temporal phenomena of the place: changes in the wind, temperature, lighting conditions, and visibility of the land.

Time Scores
Ink on paper 
8 x 71 in (series of two)
Accordion-folded notebooks, ten pages each. 
Each section represents a different phenomenological space drawn on-site.